TSP1: What Is The Streak Podcast?

Let me tell you about this triathlon history podcast that I’m starting. 

It’s only taken me nearly 15 years to hit the record button after reading a book called Podcast Solutions back in 2008.

I’ve also had 2 or 3 false starts but with a re-organised work schedule I’ve got way more time to dedicate to research, writing and recording.

And once again I'm enjoying the process of preparing the shows, tinkering with the gadgets and experimenting with audio quality and editing. 

So I’m Ross. I live in Munich, but I'm originally from the UK. Before moving here in 2017, I lived in France for about 15 years. 

Away from this microphone I’m a primary school teacher and I’ve been competing in triathlons since 1989. 

The Streak is actually a chapter in Mark Allen and Bob Babbitt’s 1988 book, Total Triathlete. As well as anecdotes from Allen´s early life, the story of how he got into triathlon and tales of some memorable past races; the book essentially takes us through The Grip's 1987 season. 

If you don’t have a copy of Total Triathlete, you should definitely buy one. Pick up a copy of Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training while you’re at it. 

After getting 5th at a pre-ITU Unofficial World Sprint Championships in Perth, Australia, Allen’s US season starts with his STREAK of winning eight races in a row including three USTS events. 

Those Perth races were won by Erin Baker and Rick Wells. I’ve got a magazine article from the May 1987 issue of Triathlete. It’s titled Upset in Australia: The Big Four Get Hammered Down Under. So I’m planning to do a full podcast episode on that event in the future. 

Allen’s run of victories in 1987 ended at those USTS Nationals in Hilton Head just 2 weeks before Kona. Video above. For the first time that season, he wasn’t able to pull back Mike Pigg’s lead after the bike. 

The second half of Total Triathlete deals with Mark’s arrival in Kona and the build up to the Ironman. Then race day and how his dream of winning comes unravelled as Dave Scott passes him late in the run. See Scott hiding behind a race vehicle from 40:00 onwards in the video below.

Re-reading my now tattered copy of Total Triathlete recently, re-awakened my interest in triathlon history. So I decided to start buying up old triathlon magazines on Ebay. Mainly from the late-1980s and early-1990s. Some of them I’d previously owned but they hadn’t survived various international house moves and loft purges.

Back then the top athletes used to compete against each other regularly and across all distances. The racing style was gun to tape, the equipment was simple and the training was fairly uncomplicated.

The late-1980s is also when I started following the sport as a fan. About a year or so before doing my first triathlon in May 1989. 

So on this podcast I’ll mainly be using my collection of vintage triathlon magazines to take a deeper look at the articles inside.

Stories that inspired me as a young triathlete and some that I’ve discovered recently. Whenever possible I’ll be talking to people who were there as well as using the triathlon history resources on YouTube.

So expect future episodes about the big races, the different race series that existed, the athletes, the bikes, the clothing and kit; and occasionally triathlon politics and controversy.

I’ll also be building my own experiences into the narrative to help explain the triathlon scene at the time. And although I’m starting with the late-1980s and early-1990s I'll definitely be exploring other periods.

At the moment I’ve got 12 episodes finished. So I’ll get them out as soon as possible. Before trying to drop into a weekly schedule. On Fridays. With bonus episodes if I have time. This project is mainly a fun experiment for me; but if other people like it, then that’s cool too!

Images: The Streak from Mark Allen’s Total Triathlete


1987 USTS Hilton Head
Podcast Solutions
Mark Allen’s Total Triathlete
Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training
1987 Hawaii Ironman
The Streak Podcast YouTube Channel


Triathlete (USA) May 1987. World Sprint Championships in Perth Report
Triathlete (USA) January 1988. Hilton Head and Hawaii Reports
220 (UK) August 1991. Windsor Triathlon Report
Triathlete (UK) September 1991. Windsor Triathlon Report


TSP2: The Speed And The Sweat