The First Copy Of Triathlete (USA) I Ever Bought

Yesterday I covered the 1988 America’s Paradise Triathlon in St. Croix. So today I was going to look at the 1989 race. There was a report in the August 1989 issue of Triathlete (USA).

But then I realised this was the first copy of a US triathlon magazine that I bought. From a triathlon shop in Florida. I think @oldtriathlonstuff and I also got our Profile Aero 2s there.

Erin Baker and Mark Allen won St. Croix in 1989. And inside there’s also a report of the Gold Coast World Cup. The history of this race needs to be covered separately. And Bermuda. I’ll start work.

The other stand-out article is about Mark Allen and Julie Moss’s trip to New Zealand. In January 1989. To train with Erin Baker and Scott Molina.

Allen credits this trip with setting up his excellent 1989 season. I’ve already covered that here. Best male triathlon season ever?

Here’s a selection of my favourite pages:

  • The cover. Beautiful. Mark Allen in Australia.

  • Profile For Speed advertisement. Their 1989 range.

  • Gold Coast World Cup race report.

  • Grip Shift advertisement.

  • St. Croix race report.

  • Lyttleton.

  • Triathlete magazine postcards.


1993 Worlds in Manchester


The 1988 America’s Paradise Triathlon