Ross Ross

The Sun Life Great Race - A Gathering Of Resources

I’m writing a podcast episode about The 1990 Sunlife Great Race. A kind of Tour de France Of Running. I guess this links to my uber-nerd interest in the France Iron Tour. TSP7 and TSP8 are about that.

The event was 21 days long. Yikes. And only happened once. Below are the resources I’ve gathered so far. I’d love to speak with anybody else who’s studied it. Or runners or officials who were there.

The absolute best resource is Dave Mansbridge’s YouTube channel. He did the race. And has uploaded all the BSkyB coverage over 6 videos.


Dave Mansbridge’s YT Channel. He competed in the race.
February 2024 Runner’s World Article
Insta Post By Duncan Craig. Author of the Runner’s World article.
Insta Post By Mike Gratton
A Thread On Let’s Run
Article By Neil Featherby
Post On Les Croupiers RC Forum

Athletics Today serialised their coverage over 4 issues. Below. Unfortunately I only have parts 1, 2 and 4. But I’m trying to get hold of part 3. As well as find out if Athletics Weekly covered the race.

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Ross Ross

The 1988 Avignon Triathlon

I’ve already looked at Avignon in 1985, 1986 and 1987. I only read-up on these races recently. But I’ve been obsessed by the 1988 race for quite a while. The race report appeared in the August 1988 issue of Tri-Athlete (UK). The 3rd triathlon magazine I ever bought.

The author is Richard Graham. Who seemed to travel quite a lot for stories back then. Later he got into Roller Hockey journalism. And is still active on a few Vintage Triathlon Facebook groups.

The races were won by Mark Allen and Julie Moss. Three wins out of four at Avignon for both. Note. Sarah Coope in 2nd. Who convincingly beat Moss in 1987. Unlike the previous editions, the top French women were also in town. Poncelet, Delemer, Rouchon and Malherbe.

Scott Molina and Dave Scott made the trip this time. As did the American-Enigma, Tom Gallagher. I really need to speak to him. He was often in France. Had he signed for a French club?

Of course, I read and re-read the article. But I was more into the photos. There’s lots to behold. Allen’s cap-sleeved Nike kit. The gravel section. More of this needed! Caroline Heins’s Bell V1 Pro. The number trimming. And Moss’s Sock Racers.

Mark Allen also gave a speech in French when he accepted his prize. His French is pretty solid. Here’s a grainy video.

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Ross Ross

The 1987 Avignon Triathlon

I’ve already looked at the Avignon Triathlon in 1985, 1986 and 1988. Not sure why I skipped 1987. But here it is.

I don’t like using superlatives at The Streak. Yet the 1987 Avignon Triathlon was probably the first appearance of aero-bars in Europe.

The Americans had them. And Glenn Cook had sourced a pair in California. He could have ridden them in Les Mureaux or Marseille. But it’s not mentioned in either race report. And I think they would have turned some heads.

Allen, Tinley and Moss were back for the thrid time. And they’d brought former J-David team-mate George Hoover with them. The French challengers were Yves Cordier. Of course. Jean-Luc Capogna. See epic handlebar bag and tri-suit from 1985. And Herve Niquet. Who’d become the first French athlete to podium at Nice later in the 1987 season.

Yogi Hoffman was there. He’d won the 1986 Le Coq Sportif European Series. Loads more info on that coming soon. And Glenn Cook was also in town. Would 1987 be the year he started to show his world-class credentials?

Julie Moss had won the women’s race in 1985 and 1986. But with Sarah Coope toeing the line. She finally had a serious challenger.

But the triathletes weren’t the only Americans in the region. As the night before there was a Cowboy Rodeo in Nimes! These old-school race reports are brilliant. I really need to do a full translation. Coming soon!

It’s interesting that the report says it’s not often you get the best in the world on the same start-line. Americans and Europeans. Nice and Hawaii of course. And the Perth race that happened in January. But in 1987 the sport was needing a governing body to put on true World Championships!

Mark Allen had already decided not to do Nice in 1987. To try and win his 6th title. So he could focus 100% on Hawaii. A race he’d not yet won.

But Perth showed that the Americans could finally be beaten. However, Mark was still repeating the “out of season” excuses from back then. While doubling down by explaining that he’d won in Dallas the week before Avignon. Where Perth winner, Rick Wells, got third.

The swim is downstream in the Rhone as usual. With the fastest route in the middle of the river. Through the 4th arch of the famous bridge.

There’s also a pollution kerfuffle. As some athletes had been ill recently after river swims. Capogna, Cordier and Hoffman took pre-race
anti-diarrhea tablets just in case.

Mark Allen crashes in transition trying to get his feet into his shoes. Yes, yes. We used to ride in transition. Allowing Glenn Cook to overtake him. And begin the pursuit of Yves Cordier.

Due to the downriver swim the gaps are not large. Hoffman is slowed by a cold and Tinley is having rear wheel problems. But Coope is flying. Note. No Scott DH for her. Weird. I’m pretty sure she had some.

Allen, Cook, and Cordier lead. Keeping, it seems, 100m apart. Allen and Cook are the better climbers. Cordier catches up on the descents. Tinley fixes his wheel and is moving forward. So is Capogna.

The athletes are now afoot and it’s raining. Allen is worried because Cook has a reputation as a fast runner. He’s not scared of Cordier though. However, it only takes a few kilometres for Allen to drop Cook.

Excellent run by Tinley. He gets 3rd. Cordier hangs in there for 5th. And Sarah Coope wins easily. I think the times in the results are wrong.

There’s definitely some very cool photos below.

Shirtless Tinley on a Raleigh with the new Scott DH and Oakley Eyeshades. Mark Allen on the steel Schwinn with the blue and grey iconic Nike kit. Also wearing a Bell Stratos. Glenn Cook with Cinelli head-fairing, Scott DH, Oakley Frogskins and a Le Coq Sportif tri-suit.

I’ve also posted the results. Note. Rodolphe Von Berg down in 14th.

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Ross Ross

Runner’s World May 1988

There’s some red-hot nostalgia for me here. I’ve already told you about how I used to loiter in WH Smith on Slough High Street every Thursday.

Of course, I’d pick up a copy of Athletics Weekly. And hope they would have the new Running Magazine, Today’s runner or Tri-Athlete (UK). But getting an import copy of Runner’s World (USA) was also exciting.

Unlike the modern version of the magazine, Runner’s World back then was mainly focused on races, racers and racing. With occasional stuff about kit. I think the May 1988 issue was the first one that I ever bought.

Although I was into collecting virtually any running content. The big attraction this month was seeing Dave Scott on the cover. In 1988, Mark Allen hadn’t won the Hawaii Ironman yet. He had 6 Nices. But still. Dave Scott was the American reference for British triathletes.

In fact, the Dave Scott article leads a feature on how and why runners should get into triathlon. A bit like Today’s Runner did in May 1987. Reading this might have even been the thing that finally tipped the balance for me. To become a triathlete. Although I wouldn’t race until May 1989.

The feature is heavy on science. Very Dave Scott. But there’s also side-bars on Curtis Alitz and Kirsten Hanssen. Alitz was a huge talent. And had some solid USTS results. But I don’t think he pursued triathlon beyond the 1980s. Probably too busy with his military medical career.

Interestingly, some column inches are used to discuss the chances of Triathlon getting into the Olympics. It’s noted that an international governing body was formed in November 1987. That would of course come unraveled. Peter Cazalet is also put forward as a future participant. He wouldn’t be. But his story is interesting. More on that later.

There’s a Bike Buyers Guide and some maintenance tips. I remember find these super-interesting. As I was in the market for a new 10 speed. I worked out that I needed what they call an Entry Level Road Racer.

The jargon guide I could do without. I hate these things. But the ad for the Peugeot Versailles is very cool. In fact, I’m visiting Versailles in October. Maybe I’ll take my Peugeot. To spin around the gardens.

Here’s the whole magazine. Take a look.

I was also intrigued by the articles about Mormon runners, the elite veterans racing an indoor mile, the preview of the 1988 Women’s Olympic Marathon Trials and the road racing reports at the back. Amazing how many British runners were active on the US circuit back then.

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Ross Ross


Remember the hippies, those blossom beings of the 60s with beards, bare feet and balmy brains from too much marijuana and LSD? If you’re in Kona, look around: a new, streamlined breed of hippies has emerged - the Iron Hippie.

In the '60s the most exercise hippies got involved running away from tear gas, carrying signs at anti-war demonstrations and striking matches to burn draft cards. The closest they got to water was an infrequent shower.

Today a new sort of hippie appears: a sleek endurance triathlete who has chosen to live in triathlon mecca - Kona, Hawaii, home of the Ironman. The Ironbum will endure any hardship, live comfortably in any lifestyle and will be happy as he or she can train, train and train.

I’m not sure Ironbums exist anymore. Although. IMO. It’s still possible to do triathlon inexpensively. Simple equipment. Local races. And there certainly used to be plenty of Ironbum-like characters on the UK triathlon scene in the 80s and 90s. But I won’t name names here.

Anyway the article is a fun one. From Tri-Athlete (USA) October 1984. Following 4 triathletes living low-cost in Kona.

Chip Salaun leans on a dumpster as he explains how he went from mountaineering and nature photographer to triathlon. And from Colorado to Kona. Chip is on the edge financially. Living low-coast and getting bits of money from sponsors and training rich wanna-be triathletes.

Kona local, Gorden “Slash” Gaspar won a case of beer from friends when he finished the 1981 Ironman. The first in Kona. Although he’s still into to ocean canoeing and surfing. Working as hula dancer on cruise ships gives him the basic finances to keep truckin’ in triathlon.

Garry Daintry was a former British Army officer, helicopter pilot and stockbroker. He left a comfy life in Hong Kong to do the October 1982 Ironman. Arriving in August and coach-surfing until race day. After the Ironman Gary decided to stay in Hawaii and live frugally. Going out only once a fortnight. Even when girlfriends come to visit!

Garry died in 2021. Age 82. Seems to have enjoyed a hard-core life!

Sepa Tanoai is a Samoan chief who decided to get fit when he watched his cousin run the 1978 Honolulu Marathon. He started jogging and lost 50kg. In 1981 while worked an Ironman aid-station he was inspired to get involved in triple fitness. For cash he drives trucks for film companies. This is how he’s able to borrow Tom Selleck’s bike to race on!

Ken “Cowman” Shirk remained part of Ironman folklore until his death in 2023. Age 81. He was known for his beard, long hair and furry horned hats and cycling helmets. This thread on Slowtwitch is worth a read. Here’s my favourite quote. From Titanflexr: “Cowman was a true character from an era when Ironman was a magnet for fitness eccentrics.”

If you are aware of any modern day Ironbums. Let me know!

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Ross Ross

1988 Triathlon Des Hauts De Seine

Here’s 1988. Although I still haven’t finished translating 1987 yet. The Triathlon des Hauts de Seine was another triathlon in downtown Paris. Like the Triathlon International de Paris. Both started in 1986. Hauts de Seine in May. And Paris in June. Neither are still going. But I really want to get to Puteaux to check out the old venue. And all the other sports facilities. I’ve pencilled a trip in for February 2025.

I’ll do a full translation later. But there are few interesting things to see in the images in the article. Look how close La Defense towers are. And check out the cool Winning Club / Aquaman wetsuits. And the field is much deeper than in 1987. Neff beats a young Delemer in the women’s race. And Blondeel a minute ahead of Reynolds for the men. I’d really like to speak to Nigel Reynolds. A pioneer of feoreign racers in France.

The transition area and finish seem to be in an athletics stadium. But I’ll try and find out for sure. And I think the run course loops the island. But there’s several bridge crossing shots. Which might mean running on the mainland as well. Again. More research needed.

Images: Tri-Athlete (FR) Juillet 1988

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Ross Ross

1986 & 1987 Triathlons Des Hauts De Seine

Hi everybody. I haven’t posted on here for a few months. Mainly because I’ve been racing loads of triathlons. Old school-style. Short, often, gun to tape and mainly local. Although I also did two race swing in the UK. I’ll definitly do a season overview podcast episode in September.

But I got an email yesterday from a reader / listener, Gary. That reminded me I need to dig into the history of the Hauts de Seine Triathlon. And other triathlons in and around Paris. After watching the Olympic triathlons this morning. I have a podcast about the first Paris Triathlon here.

The first Triathlon des Hauts de Seine was on the 25th May 1986. Fifteen weeks before that Paris race. The race was advertised in the Tri-Athlete (FR) March/April 1986. Below.It seems the triathlon was in support of a Paris bid for the 1992 Olympics. Spoiler Alert. On the 17th October 1986, at a conference in Lausanne, Barcelona was chosen to host the games.

The event took place on the Ile de Puteaux. Which is an island in La Seine about level with the north end of La Bois Boulogne. The towers of La Defense are to the west. And the Arc de Triomphe is just to the east. So the race really was right downtown. Although only 2km long, the island has impressive sports facilities. See some of them on the 1987 poster below.

Image: Tri-Athlete (FR) Mars/Avril 1986

The distances would be 1500m / 40km / 12.5 km and the race would be part of the French Championship Series. Although most of the triathlons in the country were included in the points scoring until the series was streamlined in 1990. Entry fee was 120FF. That’s about €18.

Maybe because it was an unproven event, Tri-Athlete didn’t dispatch a reporter. Although results were published in the Juillet edition. Below. I don’t know Ivar Sesnega. Is it this guy? But behind him are some solid names. Foucault, Methion, Ullman and Volkaert.

Image: Tri-Athlete (FR) Juillet 1986

For the second edition of the race in 1987, the Triathlon Des Hauts De Seine definitely had a higher profile. The poster was in colour for a start. And there was a race report published in Tri-Athlete.

Images: Tri-Athlete (FR) Mars/Avril 1987. Tri-Athlete (FR) Juillet 1987.

We’ve made a lot of progress since last year. Everything went really well. We’re pleased with the result. And the triathletes are satisfied too.

It’s 17:00 in the big multi-sport hall at the Puteaux Sports Complex. Filled with competitors who have come to maybe receive one of the many prizes on offer. One of the organisers has to raise his voice to repeat to a journalist with a microphone how pleased he is with how the event went. That was put together for the regional council of the Hauts de Seine.

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Ross Ross

The 3rd Triathlon International de Paris

Image: Tri-Athlete (FR) Aout 1988

Here’s a race report from the 1988 Triathlon International de Paris. I’ve already looked at 1986 (the first edition) and 1987.

The article is written by Pierre Titeux. But from point of view of a boat anchored in the Seine. Yes. Unique. Your move 220.

Over 1000 athletes applied for the 350 slots. Despite the typical big city race problems reported after the 1987 edition. Glenn Cook and Robin Brew were announced on the poster above. But I’m pretty sure neither started.

Yves Cordier got a gap in the swim. And held it on the newly designed bike course. A two-lapper. Through Issy Les Moulineux, Meudon, Sevres and Boulogne Billancourt. It was a tough one. With long straight, exposed sections, technical descents and a steep climb.

Erin Baker led the women’s swim. From Sarah Springman, Isabelle Mouthon, Sarah Coope and Sophie Delemer.

Cordier used Scott DH bars for the first time. Crazy. It’s September 1988. US-based pros have been on them since May 1987.

Yves got caught in traffic on a descent whcih allowed Rob Barel to close the gap. And ultimately start the run first. He held a small lead for the first 8km. But pushed it out to 38 seconds in the last 2km.

Karel Blondeel was 3rd. Jean-Claude Cauchois 4th. And Tom Gallagher was 5th. An American pro that I don’t know a lot about. But he was a regular on the French-scene at this time. More research needed on Tom.

Baker wins easily. By 6:30. Followed by Springman, Coope, Delemer and Elisabeth Poncelet. All results are below.

The 2nd but last paragraph is interesting. Here it is:

Paris provded a magnificent backdrop for an exciting race. That kept the large crowds entertained. But from a sporting point of view there’s not as much to get excited about. Swimming with the current. And plenty of drafting on the bike. Even if it’s not intentional. And a run course through car exhaust fumes. That’s before we even talk about coaches and club officials getting onto the bike course. And using cars and motorbikes to protect their athletes from the wind.

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Ross Ross

Simon Lessing’s 1996 Cannondale

In TSP18 I spoke about the 1980s tri-bike that I’ll be racing on this year. It’s roughly based on Mike Pigg’s 1987 Basso. IMO, technological advancements could have stopped right there.

Since I started triathloning in 1989, I’ve never really been seduced by bike-tech or convinced of it’s impact on your performance.

My priortity is always to have something solid and easy to maintain. I then use what I’ve got to juggle the comfort, power and aero equation.

Image: 220 (UK) April 1996

But here’s a more modern bike that I do really like. It’s Simon Lessing’s Cannondale from the 1996 season. I got to see a lot of it in transition areas as 1996 was my first full-season in France.

What do I like? I love the suspension idea. That could be locked out. I guess it could be useful on some bumpy road courses. Like in the UK! Although Leonard Zinn (below) wasn’t a fan. Too much power loss.

There’s also the drop-bars, clip-ons and Mavic Comete disc wheel vibe. Lessing was racing draft-free and draft-legal at the time. So he could mix and match wheel and cockpit set-ups as needed.

Image: Inside Triathlon (USA) November 1996.

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Ross Ross

My 2024 Race Bike

When I decided to race the whole 2024 triathlon season on the Peugeot, I knew I wanted to do a resto-mod. The beauty and simplicity of the 1980s. With some modern touches for speed and comfort.

I’m the world’s biggest Scott DH fan. I wrote 4000 words about them. But they’re not super-practical for everyday riding. And I find the bars too short to feel really fast in the hands-forward position.

So these aero bars are Profile Subsonics. The saddle is a Fizik Arione. And the pedals are Shimano Ultegra with 4mm extra spindle. The front chainring is a 52T Wolftooth Drop-Stop.

The front wheel I built myself. I love wheel building. And should do more. It’s a Mavic MA2 rim on a Shimano 1050 hub. With 32 black DT Swiss spokes.

I’ll put on some race tyres in May. Continental GP5000. Pleasingly, the Peugeot has enough clearance for 32s.

I’ve had to reacquaint myself with stripping, servicing and setting up rim brakes. And after a few longer training rides I’ll cut the brake cables to a more aesthetic length.

Thanks @oldtriathlonstuff for the 1980s bottle-cage bike-jumble find.

I’ve got 12 short triathlons planned. Here’s the schedule.

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Ross Ross

Aero-Bars in 1988

I’ve already done a podcast about the first aero-bars in triathlon. And my brother wrote about us getting our first pairs in Florida in 1989.

In 1987 Scott DH or something homemade were your only aero-bar choices. Although Mike Pigg and Scott Tinley used Aerolites at Hawaii in 1987. Were these prototypes? Aerolite didn’t run an ad in Triathlete until July 1988.

And then there were MB bars. Also talked about in TSP3. And the Australian clip-ons. See Hawaii video. Which as far as I know became the generation 1 Scott clip-ons. The Greg Lemond ones. After Scott bought the idea.

For the 1988 season Mark Allen, Scott Tinley, Mike Pigg and Dave Scott were all on Profiles one-piece bar. The Aero 1. Profile almost certainly had a bigger sponsorship and marketing budget than Scott.

In 1988 Scott didn’t run a single advertisement in Triathlete (USA) magazine. But they’ll bounce back in 1989 due to the Lemond Effect.

You also had a few other choices in 1988. See the articles below. But I’m guessing that all the brands except Profile hadn’t bought into Scott’s patent. And will probably soon get shut down. I like the Sark Bars. With the stem mount. Convenient yet somewhat sketchy.

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Ross Ross

The Absolute Must For Triathletes

Back when this magazine came out I probably wanted everything. I have it in English somewhere. Will post below when I find it.

But now I’d love to get hold of a Winning Club sleeveless wetsuit, the Campagnolo disc wheel and the Le Coq Sportif bag.

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Ross Ross

1987 AeroLite Pedals Ad

I like this advertisement. But not really for the ahead-of-their-time pedals. I’m more interested in the photo of Scott Tinley.

It’s taken at the 1986 Avignon Triathlon. And shows that for a few years Tinley and Mark Allen were probably travelling to France without bikes.

It seems they’d either borrow something from a local athlete or pick up a temporary local sponsor’s bike.

Image: Tri-Athlete (FR) Octobre 1987

At Avignon in 1985, Allen was on a blue, un-badged bike. While Tinley’s bike was covered in Mercier stickers. But was it actually a Mercier? 5th that day was Mercier sponsored-athlete Jean-Luc Capogna.

In Nice in 1985, Allen, Scott Molina and Tinley were on brown Peugeots. With chrome forks. Maybe the carbon-bonded PY-10-FCs.

At Nice in 1986, Allen was again on the Peugeot. Maybe the same one. Stored somewhere in France. Had he bought it? I’ll ask him via Instagram. In Hawaii, two weeks later, he’d switched to his grey Schwinn. Proof. Maybe. That the brown Peugeot had stayed in France.

When Scott Tinley won Hawaii in 1985. Just two weeks after Nice. He was also on a Peugeot. Was it the same one as in Nice and Avignon? Although he’d swapped out the drop bars for the AeroLite Delta Wings.

Just updated my list of vintage triathlon projects.

  • Ride the old Nice course on a Peugeot PY-10-FC or a PY10.

  • Re-create the 1994 France Iron Tour. Riding between the stage towns.

  • Be in Embrun during race week. And do the course over several days.

  • Explore Avignon. Find out where the course went. Do as much of it as possible. Ride Avignon - Mont Ventoux - Avignon. Like Pigg and Allen did the day after the race in 1989.

  • Organise an annual non-competitive vintage triathlon.

What are your vintage triathlon projects? Comment below. And I’m happy to be corrected on the bike identifications above. or other facts.

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Ross Ross

The 220 Triathlon Series: 1993

This edition didn’t really capture my imagination. Probably because it involved a mandatory duathlon. I was never much of a double fitness fan.

The first counting event in the series was therefore the Fairford Duathlon. I didn’t attend but Steve Ovett and Allan Peiper did.

Swindon was again the national championships and a qualifier for the ITU World Championships in Manchester. I was definitely there.

My local race, Windsor, had been relegated to an emergencey scorer only if other events in the series were full. AND you did Fairford!

Ironbridge was now part of the ITPT (International Pro Triathlon Tour). A competition designed to rival the ITU World Cup Series.

The ITU World Cup Series was started in 1991. But many of the best athletes of the day (Scott Molina, Erin Baker, Mike Pigg, Michellie Jones, Karen Smyers, Glenn Cook etc.) hadn’t really got fully involved.

The ITPT grouped together ten of the world’s classic events (St. Croix, Chicago, Nice, Gold Coast World Cup etc). And it really was now or never. As drafting was on the way in 1994. More on all that later.

Bath was again live on the BBC. And 220 caused a bit of a kerfuffle by making it a handicapped race. I think I was there.

BTW1: Tim Stewart was my hero at this time.

BTW2: Most of these blog posts are just research for future podcast episodes. Let me know if you were racing back then or just don’t mind chatting about anything that I’ve covered.

BTW3: It’s a Brick Session because Matt said so.

Images: 220 (April 1993, July 1993, August 1993, November 1993)

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Ross Ross

The 1987 Triathlon International de Paris

Image: Tri-Athlete (FR) Septembre 1987

The 2nd edition of this race took place on 13th September 1987. I’ve already looked at 1986 here. It seems the sponsor-issue tri-suits were not compulsory anymore. Although some athletes still wore them.

Athletes were bused about 2.5km upstream along the Cours Albert 1 to the start at La Pont de la Concorde. It was hot inside with a wetsuit on. The dive start was chaotic and rough. You then needed to be vigilant to avoid hitting a bridge during the fast, downstream swim.

Wolfgang Dittrich, Phil Gable and the pure-swimmer Christophe Mourier were first out. The bike course was out and back to Versailles. Through the Bois de Meudon, Chaville and Viroflay. The roads were narrow and pot-holed.

The swim didn’t break up the race and bunches soon formed on the bike. Although the top 10 seemed to be able to ride clean.

Who was there? Dittirch. Blondeel. Hofmann. And Methion. Making up over 30 seconds in the first half. However, at 27 km he hits a pothole, rolls his tub and falls. A friend glued it on he said.

Dittrich hits the run 1st. He doesn’t look back but Blondeel is only 11 seconds down. And he’s a much better runner. Benefitting from a long straight section, he passes Wolfie at speed. And wins. The Italian Palmucci runs into 2nd. Shaking off Fabrice Trousset late in the race.

British athlete, Sarah Coope, was 2nd off the bike behind Anne-Marie Rouchon. But. She’d raced and won the day before in Geneva. Results below. Yes. This was a time when people did that.

However, her baggage was lost on route. Sent to Nice! And she only got the essentials at the last minute. I’m guessing her partner, Glenn Cook, was also planning to race Paris. He’d finished 3rd in Geneva. Behind Yves Cordier and Rob Barel. Yes. This was also a time when the best athletes used to race each other nearly every week.

Coope was riding a beautiful bike in 1987. A yellow and blue Rossin. With Scott DH and a Campagnolo disc-wheel. See photo. She wins her second race in two days. Catherine Jay is second and Anne-Marie third.

The athletes are happy at the finish. But they agree that the bike course needs to be improved. It’s too narrow and too dangerous.

Now to find the 1988. And plan the logistics for a Paris triathlon history trip. Lots to explore. Les Mureaux. Hauts de Seine.

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Ross Ross

The 220 Triathlon Series: 1992

I’ve already looked at 1991 here. In 1992 there were only four events in the series. I did three and was ranked 47th at the end of the season. I missed Bath because I was on a student exchange in Canada.

Swindon was nationals. And a selection race for the European Short Course Championships in Lommel. Lessing, Smith and Cook medalled for the men. Spoiler alert. All 3 did well in Lommel too.

Windsor was back. And had 3 qualifying sports in every age group for the Worlds in Canada. The AG thing was getting bigger in UK triathlon. Apparently Saturday night had a Hawaiian shirt pool party. I don’t remember this. On Sunday, Alison Hamilton and Spencer Smith won.

Ironbridge became Middle Distance. And was ace. The first middle distance where I felt I went gun to tape. At a solid pace. No blow-ups.

18 year old Ben Bright cycled away from Britain’s best. On a steel bike with training wheels. And Bianca Van Woesik beat Sarah Coope.

Bath moved fully into town. And stole the BBC slot from Portsmouth. More on Portsmouth in a future blog post. Hamilton ran down Neilsen. Barel ran down Bright. Ben looked knackered after a long French season.

Swindon and Ironbridge also had some TV coverage. And Alison Hamilton and Matthew Belfield were overall series winners.

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Ross Ross

1993 Worlds in Manchester

Posting this reminds me that I need to finish the work I started about Ben Bright and the summer of 1992. Here’s Part One.

I tried to qualify for these worlds in the 20-24 age-group. It was a team of 6 back then. I didn’t make it. But I can’t remember how close I got. I was going to go and watch. But I raced locally on the same day instead.

The thinking back then. One year before draft-legal racing came to the World Cup Series. Was that if you put some hills in the first few kilometres it would break up the pack and create a fair race.

It kind of worked on this occasion. The podiums included all the big bikers. Ritchie, Smyers, Jones, Carter, Lessing and Smith.

Karen Smyers is definitely in my top-5 female triathletes of all time. When ranking athletes I consider winnability, longevity, history making and competitive range. That’s 4th (1989), 1st (1990), 9th (1991), 6th (1992) and 2nd (1993) for her in Worlds so far.

And as Triathlete (FR) states (below). Smith was Simply The Beast.

My main take-away from this race in the end was sartorial. I ended up dumping the Speedo for Hamish Carter’s cycling shorts-look. I still dress like that for any gun-to-taping today.

Take another look at the Carter photo. There’s the famous 220 / Human Race tabs-on-table wrist-band. Cut-off drops. And a bike that looks like it has been doing battle around Europe for a few months.

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Ross Ross

The 1988 America’s Paradise Triathlon

I’m working on a podcast with @oldtriathlonstuff about the 1991 St Croix Triathlon. The first ever race in the new ITU World Cup Series.

There’ll be Virgin Islands facts, ITU history, video analysis, kit and equipment reviews and plenty of laughs. Coming soon!

The race was first organised in 1988. And called The America’s Paradise Triathlon. The distances were 3km / 95Km / 20 km. I love that!

St. Croix was one of a few new big money events drawing the best athletes in 1987 and 1988. With Bermuda, Perth and the Gold Coast World Cup Triathlon. Of course. Nice and Hawaii were already established.

The St. Croix event has an interesting history after 1988. But you’ll have to wait for the podcast to hear all about that.

Three 1988 race reports are below. So I won’t go through everything that happened. Kirsten Hanseen and Mike Pigg won. Pigg would eventually win the race four times. Karen Smyers would win five!

British athlete Sarah Coope was 9th. And Glenn Cook was there too. But he punctured. Below. Pushing his bike. In the Le Coq Sportif vest!

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Ross Ross

1992 Simon Lessing Interview And Michael Rughede Stuff

Here’s an interview with Simon Lessing. It was done just after he won the World Short-Course Championships in Muskoka in September 1992.

It compliments what I posted yesterday about the 1989 Triathlon International de Cannes. It gives some more information about his sporting background, leaving South Africa, life in France, professional triathlon at the time and his training. See also my Simon and Brad post.

Images: 220 (UK) October 1992

I also like finding random triathlon history stuff online. Fact checked or decent first person sources. Here’s something from Michael Rughede posted on the Triathlon Denmark site.

Michael was a solid Danish athlete in the late-80s and early-90s. And was a member of Salon Triathlon with Simon. I’ve just done a quick Google Translate but there’s some cool info in there.

About moving to France with fellow Danish triathlete Gabor Klozcl (1989 and 1990 Embrunman winner). Their first French race in Toulon (I’ll try and find the race report) and racing the Grand Prix for Mantes la Ville.

In 1989 Michael switched club to race for Salon. And therefore training and raced with Simon for a few years. Here’s what he had to say:

Next season we moved 40 km up the road to Salon de Provence. We lived there for a few seasons with Simon Lessing. Triathlon superstar in the 1990s. 4 x world champion in the short distance and once in the long distance.

He had come to France as a big 17-year-old boy from South Africa with a couple of friends. Simon had turned down a free college stay in the USA as a runner, to try his luck as a triathlete in France instead.

When he got to the Salon de Provence, he trotted down to the stadium and ran his intervals. He hadn't even had down on his upper lip and he was already running 2.37-2.38 in the 1000 meters.

He was also a good swimmer (his mother was a swimming coach) and had cycled on a regional youth team. So everyone knew that here was the future world champion. Simon became Nike's new global name and set to replace Mark Allen as Nike's front man.

However, his career turned out to be a little different. He was not as good at the Ironman distance as he was at the short distance, where he was the king. The explanation probably lay somewhere between genetic predispositions and form of training.

Simon trained for many years after his own head and wanted to win every training session. But intensive training just above and below the acid limit just doesn't harmonize with long distance.

On the other hand, we had fun on the bike! His problem was that the French would not train with him and that the international class triathletes who planned to stay a few months left after a few weeks.

No one thought it was fun to train with Simon.

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Ross Ross

1989 Triathlon International de Cannes

The image used on the 1990 Triathlon International de Cannes poster (above) is from the 1989 race. It shows Simon Lessing and Jorg Ullman in the process of running down Karel Blondeel. Lessing won. He was 18. 

Lessing had only arrived in Europe from South Africa at the start of the season. He raced Southport, the first televised UK triathlon, on 18th June. Where he got 6th at Mark Allen’s only ever UK race appearance.

He then moved to France where he was welcomed by Salon Triathlon. That’s the kit that he’s wearing on the poster. Mandy Dean, the women’s winner in Southport and Cannes, also raced for Salon.

After his arrival in France Simon raced the Vars Triathlon on 9th July where he got 2nd to Danish athlete Michael Rughede.

Then 3rd at Courcouron the week after behind Greg Welch and Pierre-Alain Frossard. I spoke a bit about that race in TSP17.

He raced Toulouse on the 27th August. 2nd again behind Patrick Girard. Finally Monaco on 1st October. Another 2nd. Behind Yves Cordier.

The French scene was fast and deep at this time. So to instantly get results like this. At 18 years old. Showed a remarkable talent.

Simon might have also made a trip to Germany in August and / or September. As friend and training partner Mandy Dean had a West German passport and would race for them at the World Championships in Avignon.

Cannes is just 30km from Nice. And the course is somewhat similar. A tough sea swim from Iles de Lerin to the mainland. A bike ride through the mountains behind the town. And an out and back seafront run.

In 1989 Nice moved to June. Mainly to not clash with Hawaii anymore. So Cannes could take up an October date. The 1989 race was on the same weekend as Hawaii. So Yves Cordier was over there. Where he got 8th.

The poster below annnounced Cannes for the 17th September. But it eventually took place on 15th october. I’m not sure why.

Here’s race report from Cannes in 1989. And I’m currently working on a translation. I’ll copy and paste it below when it’s finished.

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