La Griffe de l’Effort

The best translation of La Griffe de l’Effort is probably The Signatue of Effort. Or maybe the Trademark of Effort. Although I’m not super happy with these. Even though I just workshopped it with my wife for 10 minutes.

They made custom club kits and special vests as prizes. Like the ones above on Isabelle Mouthon and Simon Lessing at the 1991 European Championships in Geneva, Mark Allen at the 1989 World Championships in Avignon and Philippe Methion at the 1991 French Championships in Versailles.

Below is Mark Allen wearing the full pant-suit version. And Erin Baker also getting her’s on the Avignon podium.

Images: Tri-Athlete (FR) 1989 Avignon Special Issue

By 1992 we were fully into the vest and Speedo times. The tri-suits that everybody was wearing in the mid-80s had disappeared by about 1989.

I don’t have extra information about the company to write a longer post. I just that I think the vests are cool. As I still race in a loose vest.


Triumph For Pigg Power


Tampa and the Nike Vest