The 220 Triathlon Series: 1993

This edition didn’t really capture my imagination. Probably because it involved a mandatory duathlon. I was never much of a double fitness fan.

The first counting event in the series was therefore the Fairford Duathlon. I didn’t attend but Steve Ovett and Allan Peiper did.

Swindon was again the national championships and a qualifier for the ITU World Championships in Manchester. I was definitely there.

My local race, Windsor, had been relegated to an emergencey scorer only if other events in the series were full. AND you did Fairford!

Ironbridge was now part of the ITPT (International Pro Triathlon Tour). A competition designed to rival the ITU World Cup Series.

The ITU World Cup Series was started in 1991. But many of the best athletes of the day (Scott Molina, Erin Baker, Mike Pigg, Michellie Jones, Karen Smyers, Glenn Cook etc.) hadn’t really got fully involved.

The ITPT grouped together ten of the world’s classic events (St. Croix, Chicago, Nice, Gold Coast World Cup etc). And it really was now or never. As drafting was on the way in 1994. More on all that later.

Bath was again live on the BBC. And 220 caused a bit of a kerfuffle by making it a handicapped race. I think I was there.

BTW1: Tim Stewart was my hero at this time.

BTW2: Most of these blog posts are just research for future podcast episodes. Let me know if you were racing back then or just don’t mind chatting about anything that I’ve covered.

BTW3: It’s a Brick Session because Matt said so.

Images: 220 (April 1993, July 1993, August 1993, November 1993)


1987 AeroLite Pedals Ad


The 1987 Triathlon International de Paris